Conscious Conditioning

with Riannon Zorn

(609) 462-1184

“The way out is through.

The way through is together.”

Self-Care 101: Your Therapeutic Tool-Box

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Learn to use some portable, practical, powerful self-care tools. Be your own body-worker, and achieve an intuitively indicated massage that any therapist would be challenged to replicate. Understand and practice applying techniques and strategies to release soft tissue adhesions, enhance mobility, erase pain, relive tension, and better embody your body.

Practice: Roll Model Method® Therapy Ball Self-Myofascial Release Work, Resistance Training

Feel: Empowered, Unburdened, Grounded, Rejuvenated

Enjoy: Reduced Stress and Tension, Refined Posture, Enhanced Breath Capacity, Reduced Pain Perception, Increased Bodily Awareness, Restored Range of Motion, and Reduced Risk of Non-Traumatic Injury.

Exert Yourself: A Little

Contribute: $75